Friday, November 27, 2009

intoxicating turkey

cooked my first thanksgiving dinner wasn't too bad!  food was decent if i do say so myself. but i don't think i'll do it again unless somebody realllyyyy wants it.  i was so tired by the end of dinner. i knocked out by 10 and still managed to wake up with a headache.  dang, that reminds me. i have work tomorrow :(

and of course my cute nephew was here

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

to do list

i must not procrastinate today and get the following done!

more apps
court papers
shiseido papers

actually i also had a really nice dream.  i was in a garden and the weather was perfect.  the sky was blue and a gentle breeze was blowing.  it was amazing :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

mistletoe, holly and snow!

despite lots going on and being upset, i feel a little better because of the holiday atmosphere! i'm kind of excited! are you? i should blog more later but i did update the music :)

so i have a really long and expensive christmas list.  it includes:

ankle boots
winter coat
boyfriend blazer
crossbody leather bag
red scarf

and i'm sure there's more that haven't come to mind.  i also know that i won't get everything. but honestly, the only thing i want is that letter.  if i get that letter, i don't need all the other stuff.  so here's hoping for the letter this christmas.  are you listening santa? i've been a generally good girl.  yes, i do let my temper get the better of me.  but i always feel bad afterwards and show remorse, right? i know i should learn to be a bigger person.  and not let every little thing affect me.  i promise to do all that, as i've been doing. so santa, can i have that letter for christmas? i would really appreciate it. thanks! i'll even leave cookies out for you. maybe i'll leave the lights on too. yeah? thanks santa.

so my blurb turned into a letter to santa. at least i wrote something, right? and i promise to be more understanding and thankful of the people around me.  and strengthen my impulse control. yes, i agree. this is a very random blog. 

Monday, November 16, 2009


just read up on my chances.  doesn't look good. damn it.  can't believe i'm such a screw up -___-''

:( :( :(

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I don't have good impluse control.  my emotions often get the better of me. i don't really get why i'm like this now.  i used to pride myself in being controlled and composed.  as the years go by, i get more and more impulsive.  but i also recover afterwards.  more and more, i feel guilt and remorse after losing my control.
okay, i actually have to stop. my sister and nephew are here. i will continue this later!!


talking to dumb people annoy me.

i'm not just referring to the "ignorant" ones.  i mean the really, all out dumb.

excuse my being a bitch.  the truth hurts.