Thursday, August 26, 2010

the big step

now that i've made that big step, i realize how big a commitment post-undergrad work is. i'm exhausted.  mentally and even physically because i've never had to sit still for so long. my days have been filled with class, reading and eating intermittently.  i don't really enjoy eating as much anymore.  all the anxiety and stress has gotten to my appetite.  the next few years seem like a really long time.  now i realize that i'm a romantic.  i had once believed it was okay just to immerse yourself in work.  that's not the case for me.  the dramas really are an escape.  they help me relax but at the same time, make me envious.  i'm talking about the romantic comedies.  not so much all the heartache from the dramatic ones.  and i really miss my nephew!  i have so much work to do this weekend.  it doesn't look like i'll catch up much.  i need to go home and get fitted for an ao dai.  then there's the 2 weddings in october.  i need to find a way to balance my schedule.  i want a free day to do nothing school related as well.  but it looks like i will have to do some work each day.  again, i'm hoping this works itself out.  i was so tired today.  but it's a new type of exhaustion.  i hadn't realized it until i woke up from a 2 hour nap that i didn't know i had taken.  i'm also tired right now as well. i will probably go to bed. 

hoping for the best <3

my cute nephew always cheers me up