Monday, February 15, 2010

deja vu

it's funny how time is invisible and extremely powerful at the same time. you would think that something without physical form or shape would be relatively weak. but time is not. it is a force that everything must adhere to.

i ran into a few familiar faces over the weekend.  rather than feeling happiness or excitement, i felt awkward and tried to get away.  it wasn't just this weekend.  since i've been back in oc, i've bumped into old friends. or should i say former friends. once the closest people to me, they have become parts of my past. i know what you're thinking. i should take the initiative to reconnect. but things have changed. and they are still changing. even if i were to try, the connection wouldn't be the same. in a way, i would feel much worse knowing that despite our efforts, our relationship would be a mere shadow of what it once was. or maybe it's my antisocial nature. i don't know.  but the memories will remain beautiful. at least to me :)

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