Tuesday, March 2, 2010


i just had a decent tuna melt (of course not on par with the ones at GBC) and have some time to update. 

all my life i've been told to be smart and intelligent.  i study and went to school. i even managed to graduate.  but that same encouragement always perplexes me.  because, after all, i was told to BE intelligent. can one BE intelligent? or is it something that is innate and inherent...
there are various different types of "intelligent" people that i've met throughout the course of my life so far.  there are those who are so smart that they radiate it without spouting big words and complicated sentences. there are those who try hard and speak with clarity and understanding.  and there are those who seem to use their entire being to portray their "smarts".   i don't know which category i fall into (probably none of the above bc i'm a slacker at heart!).  but i tend to respect the formers more so than the latter. but how do you judge? how CAN you judge?  do grades correlate with being intelligent? does knowledge of many things imply wisdom? i have no idea. what does schooling mean?

that's probably why there are those who drop out of school. well, that's all. from the perspective of a slacker :)

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