Friday, January 15, 2010 now i have to save???

so my xmas 09 wishlist included: boyfriend blazer, ankle boots, leggings, and some other stuff that i don't quite remember...-___-
oh yes! i remember now: a crossbody leather bag!

okay so...because i was in VN during xmas, i didn't get anything nor did i buy anything.  i was thinking "yay! perhaps i can save money this year!" but alas, it was not meant to be. because i went to get my car's oil changed at sears.  while we were waiting, i was "window shopping" at nordstrom and macy's where my eyes fell upon these gorgeous (at the time) ankle boots! i tried them on, almost danced to and from the mirror and lifted them up to see the price. $ 110 -----> :(

i listed to ry and stayed away.  i didn't even asked if they were on sale (because there were signs that said all boots were on sale).  i went home and did my normal routine.  remembering they were nine west, i went to the homepage to just look at the pair again to satiate my cravings.  to my surprise, they were 30% off on the site with free shipping! i couldn't resist.  after another $ 83 on my already HUGE credit card bill, i now have my boots.

they were so cute.  even when i received them, they were gorgeous. i tried them on again and i was soo satisfied.  but then today, i wore tights and tried them on.  to my dismay, my tiny ankles made the booties look huge on my feet. -____-''' they're still decent looking and i still have the look i was going for...but...gorgeous they are not.  *SIGH* well i can't return them because i wore them out already thinking my eyes were tricking me.  i could be obnoxious and try to return them.  but i don't think i'll find another decent pair and i did get a pretty good deal for them? i will keep them.

so for some, i might have splurged on the booties.  and now, i can't spend without feeling guilt.  i did spend a bunch of moniess on grad school applications.  oh what to do....especially since i didn't get a taste of the after christmas sales.  oh the pityyyy!

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